
Oregon Annual General Meeting Requirements for Condos, Co-Ops, and HOAs

One of the challenging tasks board members face is choosing a date for the annual meeting of the association. Trying to choose a date that is convenient for all the board members is difficult. Choosing a date that will work with each member’s schedule is impossible. There must be a better way to hold annual meetings.

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Housing Units


Owner Occupied




Simplify Your Board Meetings in Oregon With BuildingBoard

BuildingBoard has a better way to hold annual meetings and board meetings. Our virtual platform allows members and directors to attend live meetings remotely. They can participate in the meeting and submit votes with other members. BuildingBoard is easy to use and does not require you to download apps or software. All you need is an internet browser.

Explore the Requirements

Risks of Missing a Quorum in Oregon

Missing a quorum means rescheduling a meeting. It also means that you could not conduct any business at the initial meeting. It can be time-consuming and costly to reschedule annual meetings of members. Additionally, not addressing community matters at the annual meeting could result in several problems for the board.

Allowing members to attend the annual meeting remotely could resolve the issue. Members who do not need to appear in person may be more willing to participate in annual meetings.

Annual General Meeting Requirements

The annual meeting is held to conduct business that impacts the entire community. However, these meetings may also provide owners and shareholders the opportunity to voice concerns or issues.

The Oregon Cooperative Corporation Act

Co-ops may choose to be organized under the Oregon Cooperative Corporation Act. Provisions under the Act that would apply to annual meetings include, but are not limited to:

  • Annual meetings of the members are held at such time as provided in the bylaws. If the bylaws do not provide a time for the annual meeting, the board shall determine the time for the annual meeting.
  • Notice of the meeting must be given at least seven days before, but not more than 30 days before, the meeting date
  • Members may not vote by proxy, but shareholders may vote by proxy
  • Votes may be taken by written ballot or by electronic means
  • The members present at the annual meeting constitute a quorum

Special meetings may also be called as necessary.

The Oregon Condominium Act

Condominiums organized under the Oregon Condominium Act must file a declaration electing to be subject to the provisions of the Act. Provisions of the Act that related to annual meetings include, but are not limited to:

  • Meetings of unit owners should be held at least once during each calendar year
  • Notice of the annual meeting should be given not more than 50 days before, but at least ten days before, the meeting date
  • Unless the bylaws state otherwise, the quorum for an annual meeting is the number of persons who are entitled to cast 20 percent of the voting rights
  • Members may vote in person or by proxy, absentee, or written ballot as permitted by the bylaws and the discretion of the board of directors
  • §100.428 permits the use of an electronic ballot unless prohibited by the bylaws or declaration

Special meetings may be scheduled as necessary.

Planned Communities

ORS §§94.550 to 94.783 refer to planned communities. A planned community is a subdivision that results in a pattern of ownership of real property. It does not include a condominium organized under ORS Chapter 100, a commercial or industrial subdivision, or a timeshare.

The homeowners association holds at least one meeting of the owners each calendar year. Notice of the meeting must be provided to the owners at least ten days before the meeting date, but not more than 50 days. 

Unless the bylaws or declaration state otherwise, a quorum is the number of people entitled to cast 20 percent of the votes in a planned community. Votes may be allowed in person, or by proxy, written ballot, or absentee ballot. In addition, electronic ballots may be permitted by the bylaws or declaration.

The Nonprofit Corporations Act

Many homeowners associations are organized as nonprofit corporations. Therefore, they would be subject to the provisions of the Nonprofit Corporations Act. Provisions of the act that could impact annual meetings include, but are not limited to:

  • A corporation with members shall hold an annual membership meeting
  • Notice of membership meetings must be given to the members no less than seven days before the meeting date
  • Actions may be taken without a meeting by written ballot if permitted by the bylaws or articles and meet the requirements of the statute
  • Members may vote by proxy, except when proxy voting is limited or prohibited by the bylaws, articles, or statutes
  • Votes represented at a meeting of members constitutes a quorum, unless otherwise provided for by the bylaws or articles

Special meetings may be called as necessary by the board of directors.

Virtual Annual Meetings in Oregon

The Condominium Act permits directors to meet by telephone or other means of communication that allow the directors to hear each other simultaneously. (§100.420) However, if the majority of the condominiums are the principal residences of the occupants, the board of directors may only meet remotely for emergency meetings. The Act does not refer to remote meetings for unit members.

Section 62.205 of the Nonprofit Corporation Act states that the board of directors may authorize remote communication for a membership meeting. Members who participate remotely are deemed to be present in person, may participate in the meeting, and cast their votes. Remote participation in meetings is subject to the guidelines and procedures adopted by the board and the requirements outlined in the statute. 

Boards of directors can refer to their bylaws and declarations or consult with legal counsel to determine if their associations fall under the Nonprofit Corporations Act.

Hold Your Oregon Annual Board Meetings Virtually with BuildingBoard

BuildingBoard is easy to use, convenient, and avoids problems reaching quorums. Schedule your meeting, invite members via email, and conduct the vote on the day of the meeting. Your members vote via their smartphone or computer.

Are you ready to simply your annual meetings? Contact BuildingBoard to learn more about our services and to schedule a demo.

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